Friday, May 31, 2013

The Letter

At the end of the book the author includes part of a letter from an actual Resistance fighter.  What is her purpose?


  1. To give you an idea of what they would of wrote.

  2. To show the tragedy of this event and to show how brave they were to write after they knew they were going to get killed.

  3. Its explaining to you almost how she constructed, and created Peter. When writing the book she didn't just say," Okay he will be brave and will be named Peter. She looked, and researched to find the perfect fit for a hero in the story. She found this article and knew Peter would be like this man. So, she attached how she created the Peter Neilson.

  4. To let you know what the Resistance fighter wanted the world to be like.

  5. To show how brave they were and how even though they were going to die they still had the same dream and did the best the could to make it came true.

  6. To tell if they that is ok to be scared at this time but not too scared and how the Resistisne fighters felt

  7. To give the readers an idea what the times were like.

  8. To show you how they created Peter and giving us a idea of what the real resisance fighters were like.

  9. To show that there really were resistance fighters and that they were like Peter, who was daring and fought against the Germans.
