Monday, May 22, 2017

Number the Stars (Chapters 5-6) Museum of Danish Resistance

What connections can you make between this video and the book we are reading?


  1. The book and the video are both very informational on how hard the Jews would try to get freedom. Also, they both explain that it was very dangeours for Jews to try to escape because only 1 country would accept Jews and that was Sweeden.

  2. The video tells about how Denmark saved alot of jews. How some sailed to Sweden and how many of the jews were hid

  3. The book and the video were both very informational on the fact that it was hard to escape and people were helping the Jewish hide and escape.

  4. They both explain what was happening during those times also they included the same things like how the Jews had to escape.

  5. The video and book kind of connect because they are both about denmark saving lives of Jews.

  6. It tells about how people saved and helped Jews and it relates to are story because Annemaries family is saving and gelping Jews [Ellen].

  7. They both explain in many details that it was very hard to escape and that the only place that allowed Jews was Sweeden

  8. They both show how hard it was to escape

  9. In both stories they show that it is unbeilvible hard to escape the Nazis if you were a jew. In both stories they explain that the Nazis were not intrested in Sweden. They both show people helping jews escape.

  10. It tells about hiding Jews and relates to the Annemarie and her hiding Ellen.

  11. The video and the book both talk about how Jewish people had to escape and how they escape. The book has a story with it and the video doesn't.

  12. I think the video shows how the Jewish were hiding and getting past the Germans. While in the book, it shows how they hide Ellen because she is Jewish.

  13. The video tells us how many jews escaped because of the resistance. It also shows us where or how they would be protected

  14. The book ' Number the Stars ' and the video ' The Museum of Danish Resistance ' relate because they both show how the Danes helped the Jews escape, except the book had a story to go with it and the video didn't.

  15. It shows that what the Johansens did could have actually of happened and it can give us a hint on what is happening the Ellen's parents.

  16. The video is telling you about how many of the Danish jews escaped and where they were sent. It is amazing that 95% of them escaped because of the resistance.

  17. The video tells about the jews being saved by Denmark, and the book tells about Ellen and her mama and papa being saved by the Johansens and Peter.

  18. They both talk about how hard it is to escape when you are Jewish.

  19. The video shows how the Danish Jews were helped and how they escaped. It contcets to the book we are reading because it shows how the resistance helped the Jews just like how Mr.Joanson helped Ellen.

  20. They both explained that Jews had to escape so they do not get taken.

  21. Yes because it is fair to tell your kids what is happening right now, so they now what dangers are around them.
