Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Despereaux 7: Chiaroscuro

Are you convinced that Roscuro wants to be the kind of rat that Botticelli thinks he should be?  Explain your thoughts clearly.


  1. No I think that Roscuro is just doing what Botticelli wants him to do so he does not get punished. I still think that he wants to be in the light and be the kind of rat that he wants to be!

    1. I think you may be right, Liam, but Roscuro's broken heart seems to be clouding his heart at the moment.

  2. Chiaroscuro,reader,is an unique rat for he is one with a broken heart and cannot be fixed. He is like desperaux who is indeed different.Botticelli is very wrong and for some reason, I kept thinking that he was using the locket to hypnotise Chiaroscuro. I am right? Reader, we won't no any further about Roscuro until book the third...Gor!

    1. Carter you are right Roscuro is like Despereaux. you did a great job.

    2. Roscuro makes me feel sad. Before his heart was broken by the princess, he longed for the light. Now he is so caught up his need for revenge, that he seems blinded, or should I say "lost" in the blackness of the dungeon and Botticelli's ideals of rat behavior.

  3. I really think that why would the queen die if rorscrou fell in her soup the queen could haved choked though.

    1. Elias why is because she loved her soup So MUCH and thought it was perfect when Roscuro fell in her soup, she just couldn't belive she had missed it.

  4. i think he wants to be the kind of rat that bottecelli is

  5. I wonder how the queen could have died over a rat i get if she passed out but how would she die over a roscuro in her bowl of soup.So King Philip makes a diesion to ban soup from the whole castle.

  6. I think that Roscuro is on both sides because one minute he wants to see the light and the next he wants revenge.

  7. I think he listens to Botticelli because he should, but he doesn't want to.

  8. i think he wants to be but deep down he knows he isnt

  9. roscuro is unique he is not like any of the other rats i think he is what bottecelli wants him to be but isnt at the same time

  10. No because he stared right into the light and he longed to go upstairs.
