Monday, September 14, 2015

Despereaux 12: Miggery Sow

One of our earlier prompts in the story was about the meaning of light and dark, and the way Kate DiCamillo uses it in this story.  After reading Book III, do you believe there is more darkness or light in Miggery Sow's life?  Please back-up your thoughts with evidence from the story.



  1. I think Mig has a pretty big amount of darkness in her life (her father, Cook) but she also has light (the princess,Despraux).

  2. i leave there is more darkness between uncle and rocuro

  3. More light because she helped the Pea. She didn't really know that much what she was doing.

  4. I would want to say more light, but the people who raised her planted a dark influence.

  5. Mig has a amount of light and dark her father which sold Mig was a dark part in Migs life also getting clouts to the ear for not doing something right the light part of Migs life is meeting Princess Pea and Despereaux

  6. I think she is a good person but there is more darkness because of what she has been through and now that she has been through it she might think that being it is okay so there has to be more darkness than light but I do think if she hadn't had such a bad influence growing up she might have become a better person.

  7. You can tell there is more darkness because of she and Roscuro's plot to take Princess Pea into the darkness.

  8. mig has an amount of darkness and light ,she has light because she is living with the prinsess pea and she has darkness because she was sold from her father and betrayed .
