Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Despereaux 11: Similarities

After reading the first three sections of the Tale of Despereaux, what similarities can you identify among Despereaux, Roscuro, and Miggery?


  1. They were all treated badly in their childhood, example: Miggery was sold for a hen, a red tablecloth, and a handful of cigarettes. Desperaux was singled out and bad things were said about him because he was different. Roscuro was well, treated like a rat! And he just found something he was dazzled by, light. That's why he went upstairs and fell from the chandelire into the Queen's soup, which is why she passed away. From shock there was a rat in her soup.

  2. These are good examples. Have any more? How are Roscuro and Mig alike?

    1. I was going to say that they are alike but Despereaux has to be in it.

    2. Because she and...him...both have something like a same past,both not allowed in the word as normal people and...rat's!!

  3. I think they're sort of all forgotten, and not respected.

  4. Everybody Desperaux Mig and Roscuro are a little different from everyone Desperaux doesn't really care about becoming a mouse same with Roscuro he does not really care about becoming a rat and Mig is a little different from everyone they all aren't really conforming.

  5. For example: Miggery lost her dad because she was traded for things that she wasn't worth. Roscuro was a rat that wasn't liked. In fact, almost everyone hated him, and Desperaux wasn't treated well because the mice thought he was different, which, in fact, is right, but in a good manner. He could read, unlike everyone else.

  6. They both are forgotten and treated not well. Look at Mig would you like to be traded to some random person whenyou were 7.

    1. Good statement, my friend, good statement.

  7. they are all not treated well detirmed to do something. Desperaux : marry princess pea. Rocuro : get revenge on princess pea Mig : become the new princess pea

  8. Reader, picture this..... Go on, close your eyes and imagine this.......this big shelf representing the world and it is filled with different kinds of teacups,all represent the worlds people and there different personalities. Then there's three broken teacups. Reader, who are these people. You guessed it, its desperaux,Mig and roscuro,all with broken hearts. So, and oh there's know way you closed your eyes the whole time or you wouldn't know what half the paragraph said. Now do this, reply to me what you think your teacup would look like in that big, open shelf. Is it bright and colorful or dark and rotten or something else, you decide reader!

    1. beautiful paragraph Carter!

    2. *applauds* That was beautiful. Well said my friend. Well said.

    3. Please reply to the your answer to the teacup personality if you feel like it!

    4. I think mines colorful, but navy, so half sugar half spice.

  9. great paragraph really touches the readers heart

  10. They all are being treated like they are the enemy and they all are trying to follow there dreams for there future.

  11. They all are being treated like they are the enemy and they all are trying to follow there dreams for there future.

  12. They are all unpopular.

  13. they both wanna be something they arent

  14. They have all hope and looked directly into the light.

  15. They were all treated with very low repect when they were younger.

  16. The simularityes of Despereaux, Rascuro, and Miggery Sow are they all were attracted to lite because despereaux was attracted to the stain glass window, Rascuro was attracted to the match, and Miggery Sow was attracted to The shining jeweles and armer. Another reason they are alike is they all meet Princess Pea.
