Tuesday, November 20, 2012

**Danger Along the Ohio** 1st Post

Dear Book Clubbers,

    Use the prereading strategies that we've exercised in class with the front cover of our next book, Danger Along the Ohio.  In your reply post, use the title, illustration, and the actions/expressions of the characters to make predictions.

    As I noted in the newsletter, once you reply to this post, you will receive a copy of the book in school.


  1. Danger Along the Ohio looks like a scary book about dangers along the Ohio River. In the illustration i see a house that has caught on fire and a group of children seem to be swimming away from it which i asume the body of water is the Ohio River. In their expressions they look like they need to get away from the house as fast as possible, like its a life or death situation.

  2. The book Danger Along the Ohio looks like it's about how Ohio can be harmful and dangerous. I think it's about a family or a group of kids that are getting effected by the disasters going on in Ohio at that time. From the expressions on their faces I can tell they are scared and suffering from somthing going on. Maybe they're suffering because that's their house in the backround burning down in flames. I noticed they are surrounded in a body of water, which I am guessing is The Ohio river. It looks like they might not be living too much longer.

  3. Danger Along the Ohio looks like it takes place a long time ago, probably in the 1800s. A house catches on fire, and the kids are stranded in the Ohio River. The title shows that it takes place near the Ohio River. I think the kids look scared and nervous. I think they will travel along the side of the river. I think their parents died in the fire, so they have no one to take care of them. I think they will find a family at the end of the story.

  4. Danger Along the Ohio looks like it tells the story about a family living in a house on water a long time ago,problably in the 1800's and some how their house caught on fire. It looks like the children's parents were killed in the fire and the kids are all alone along the Ohio river. The expressions on their faces look very sad. In the end I think a family will adopt the kids and they will live the rest of their lives happily. Arnaud

  5. Danger Along the Ohio looks like a story that took place long ago. I assume it will be about a group of kids that suffer some tragedies one being their house catching on fire, and since they are swimming away maybe someone will drown. I also thought that maybe they were swimming in the Ohio river There does not appear to be any parents in the picture so maybe their parents died and that house was maybe an orphanage in which they stayed.Maybe sometime in the book they will meet some people who might ask where their parents are, and in the end those people will probably adopt them.And I also thought that the cause of the fire might be that someone might have left a candle burning. And I'm pretty sure that in the end they'll all live happily ever after.

  6. The book Danger Along the Ohio looks like it took place in the 1700s-1800s by the Ohio River. There might be a battle happening since the
    boat is on fire and the title has the text "danger" in it. The battle might be between different countries or between the Indians and the Europeans fighting for the land of Ohio. Also they would be fighting because the land is right by the Ohio River. In the battle, some relatives might have died, because the children were alone. Danger Along the Ohio looks like a good book!

  7. I think that "Danger Along the Ohio" is a book about a pioneer family's house burning down, the parents getting separated from the kids, and they have to swim away and leave their house. I bet they meet some friendly indians and some not-so friendly indians. They probably run all over the country, trying to find a new home, and their family too. I bet that in the end, they all get reunited and get a new home.

  8. The title does show a not a happy start style. I think the familie's boathouse burnt down and the children are seperated from there parents. From the title it tells me they were somewhere on the Ohio River when the boathouse burnt down, I'm guessing the children have a long journey ahead of them.

  9. Danger Along the Ohio doesn't seems like a happy book. The events probably took place long ago along the Ohio River. I see a fire and three kids swimming in a river. I also don't see any parents so maybe they were separate in the chaos during the fire. I think the boy in the racoon hat may be an indian.

  10. The illustration shows a burning boathouse with children in the water. The title is "Danger Along the Ohio" and I'm wondering what happened to the children and the house. It seems like this took place a long time ago. I'm very interested in reading this book.

  11. I think that these three children lived in the 1800's along the Ohio River and get seporated from their family during a fire and have to evacuate their house before it's to late.They might end up in the middle of nowere and have to survive on their own and get back home.

  12. It looks like the book will be a sad story because on the cover there is a boathouse that is burning and the kids are swimming away. Their parents maybe died in the fire so the kids will probably have to go on a journey to stay safe. They may meet other people such as indians. This book looks great and I can't wait to read it.

  13. The title is " Danger Along The Ohio" and there is a picture of what looks like a river. There looks to be a fire in the small shelter in the background. In front of the shelter, there is what looks like kids/people in the river. I'm guessing that these people have somehow lost their home and are swimming out into the river hoping to find new shelter or help. They may end up alone and have to try and survive.

  14. Danger Along The Ohio seems like a good book, but it also seems very sad. The picture on the cover looks like their house is burning down, and maybe their parents died. The children swimming in the river might be a family or a group and their parents could have died in the fire. The kids could have to survive on their own with little help from the Native Americans.

  15. The book, "Danger Along the Ohio" looks like it is going to be about children living on their own along the Ohio River. Their boat is on fire and they look scared and determined to get away. The title seems to suggest that its an adventure book.

  16. I think the book is about 3 children that live on their own without any parents. It looks like their boat caught on fire in the Ohio river. Behind one of the characters, it looks like their is a cow with them. I think there is a cow with the 3 children because they might of lived on a farm before the started this exciting adventure. It looks like they are swimming like the boat is drifting towards them. I think the 3 children are worried about if they can find land to build a shelter on or, can gather objects to build a shelter with. I think this book is going to take place in the 90's because their boat whole is made out of wood. I hope there is no storm coming before the 3 children and the cow are ready. I think the 3 kids sand the cow will meet up with their parents if they are still alive. I hope their is fun and exciting adventure behind the cover! I can not wait to read Danger Along The Ohio!

  17. Danger Along The Ohio looks like there are 3 kids trying to swim away while there house is on fire and maybe they had animals because theres a cow behind them.I think they will have to make a shelter and find food and survive on there own it looks like an awsome book and i cant wait to read it.

  18. I think Danger Along the Ohio is about 3 children who's parents have died or have gotten separated from them. It looks there are 2 boys and 1 girl. This probably takes place in the 1700 or 1800. There might have been a war along the Ohio River at the time since the word "danger" is in the title. The word "danger" gives a negative connotation. Their houseboat has caught on fire so the children are trying to swim away. There is also a cow with them. They might have been traveling to a different town to sell the cow's milk. The children's expressions look like they are scared and worried. They might be scared because they think that they won't be able to find land or that they won't be able to find food and shelter. Danger Along the Ohio looks like it is a adventures book with sad and happy moments. I can't wait to read it!!:)

  19. It appears that Danger Along the Ohio is about three siblings who lived during the Frontier Period. I agree with Sarisha that it was probably in the late 1700's or early 1800's. I would guess that because they lived in a log cabin. It appears that their log cabin was set on fire, perhaps by unfriendly Native Americans. The three kids are escaping from the burning house by swimming across what looks like the Ohio River. I don't see their parents with them and I wonder how they are going to survive on their own in the wilderness. With the word "Danger" in the title, I predict that they will face other dangerous situations. However, I believe they will successfully face these challenges. Perhaps they will end up living with a friendly native American family. This looks like an exciting and interesting book. I can't wait to read it!

  20. I think that this book is about how three children lose their parents and they have to learn how to service in the wilderness because it looks like their house boat burned down. I agree with Allie because I think they're definitely scared about building a shelter and finding land. Also they look like their in the Ohio River trying to swim away from the burning house boat. I'm really exited to read this book and find out what happens in the end because just the cover is interesting to think about.

  21. I think this book is about three children and their parents living in the wilderness. The title of the book is Danger on the Ohio so the cover picture is probably the Ohio River. The kids look very scared and their boat is burning behind them. I think one of them might drown.
