Thursday, November 29, 2012


What characters from other books remind you of Clara's character?  Please use text evidence to defend your thoughts so our book club members can respond appropriately.


  1. In the series "Beast Quest", there's this girl named Elaina, and she's tough like Clara. She, along with Tom, fights these beasts who try to kill them.
    In one book, she got poisoned but she kept on fighting.

  2. I think Clara is like Dorthy in "The Wizard of Oz". I think Dorthy is like Clara because Clara is brave because Clara isn't going to be afraid if herself and her 2 brothers see an Indian. Dorthy isn't afraid when she sees the great and powerful Oz. She also, wasn't afraid when she meets these weird creatures called Munchkins. I think Dorthy and Clara are alike in some ways.

  3. Great comparisons, Michael and Nicole!

    1. Thanks Mr. Wilhelmy! Do you have a comparison?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You're right Michael! do you have a comparison or comparisons because you've read a lot of awesome books Mr.Wilhely!

    4. I think Clara's character is a lot like Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series because they are both girls and they both take charge in difficult situations. They both are smart enough to think of good ideas and lead the group.

    5. Louis from the Trumpet of the Swan was handicapped by his missing voice, but he endured the tough times, overcame his weakness, and developed a special talent. In the end, Louis lived happily ever after. We don't know if Amos will live happily ever after, but we DO know that he is "handicapped" by a burden he carries upon his shoulders that affects his day-to-day existence. I don't want to be a spoiler here, but something happens to Amos in the 2nd half of the book that allows him to be happy, or less burdened in the end, much like Louis. Can anyone think of a way to make a comparison to one of the characters from Despereaux?

  4. I think Clara is like Annie from The Magic Tree House. She is always willing to take a risk, unlike her brother Jack. She is always up and moving on their adventures in the tree house. In the first book when they traveled to the time of dinosaurs Annie wasn't afraid to say hi to the Pteranodon.

  5. Sarisha, I love how you defended your thoughts with specific examples from the text. Great work!
