Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Despereaux - Miggery

Despereaux 10: Mig is Coming Over for Dinner!

Miggery Sow is coming for dinner.  Write a letter home to Mom or Dad and tell them about your friend you're bringing over for dinner.  Tell them what they should expect when Mig comes to your home.


  1. Dear Mom and Dad,
    My friend Miggery Sow is coming over for dinner. I would like you to know that she might not hear everything you say because of all the clouts to the ear she has gotten, and please do not make fun of how fat she is and how her ears look like collie flowers. Miggery has gone through a lot her father traded her for a red cloth, cigars, and a hen. After he traded her he never looked back to say goodbye or to even wave goodbye. Miggery may also comment that when she is older she wants to be princess now we all know that she probably will not be princess, but please don´t laugh.Well there you go I have said all I need to, so please do what I said.

  2. I would tell my parents that she is kinda shy to new people.I would tell them that she will be excited because she does not have friends.She will not talk a lot mostly eat.This is what I would tell my parents.

    1. You'll need to warn your parents about Mig's personality and mannerisms.

  3. Dear Mom and Dad, my friend Miggery is coming over for dinner. She was traded for a table cloth, hen, and a handful of cigarettes when she was little so please be nice, helpful, and respectful. She was been living with a stranger(she calls Uncle) her most of her life.She is not used to anything fancy so, the theme will be barn style. Please expect she does not know much because she never went to school. I hope you understand.

    Brigid McBride
