Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Declaration of Independence


  1. I learned in this episode that Tomas Jefferson made the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was published on July 4, 1776. The Declaration of Independence is showing us that we have Independence for fighting in the Revolutionary War.

  2. Tomas came up the Declaration of Independence. It got publish in July 4, 1776. It shows that we have Independence so we can fight in the Revolutionary War.

  3. Tomas Jefferson made the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration was published on July 4,2016. The Declaration of Independence shows us that we have Independence for fighting in the Revolutionary War

  4. Ben Bogre Words have very powerful meanings and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Decleration of Independence.

  5. During this video Gorge Washington believes we should have a Declaration he said," it's time for Congress to act." King Gorge the 3rd is sending thousands of soldiers called Heshiands. During a Congress meeting Richard Henry has the floor. He offers three resolutions, that the colonists are free from Great Britain, that the states form Foran alliances, and that they establish a plan of confederation. When a secret meeting Tomas Jefferson declares he will write the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration was published on July 4,1776. It states that the United States have freedom.

  6. Thomas Jefferson made the Declaration of Independence. It got published July 4th, 1776. It shows we can have Independence and strength for fighting in the Revolutinary war! P.S this was really good!

  7. In this video, Thomas Jefferson created the Declaration of Independence.The Declaration of Independence was published on July fourth, seventeen seventy- six.Because of the Declaration of Independence, it gave us the ability to fight in the Revolutinary war.

  8. In the video Thomas Jefferson decided to make the Declaration of Independence for the ability to fight a Revolutionary War with the French against the British Army.

  9. King George the 3 was sending German soldiers over to fight the colonists. So George Washington said we need to have independence so we can fight in this war. Thomas Jefferson wrote the base of the decleration while John Hancock changed it. The decleration was finally complete on July 4, 1776.

  10. Basically King George III sent German soldiers to the colonies to fight off the colonists. George Washington had said that the colonies needed their own independence to fight in the war. The first Declaration of Independence was made by Thomas Jefferson but, was changed by John Hancock. The original Declaration of Independence was published on July 4, 1776.

  11. I learned that King George III sent German soldiers to the colonies to scare off the colonists. Washington said that the colonies needed independence to fight in war. So, the Declaration of Independence was written by Tomas Jefferson but was later changed by John Hancock on July 4, 1776.

  12. I learned that George Washington believes that they should have a declaration. He said,"it's time for congress to act". King Gorge III has sent over eighteen thousand troops known as Hessians. During a congress meeting, Richard Henry proposes three resolutions. The Declaration of Independence's main purpose is to support independence for the colonists.
